It’s Time to Be Accountable for Our Health.

2 min readMay 26, 2022
Photo Credit: Fotolio

Who is responsible for our health? Ultimately we are. Why then are so many people looking to blame other’s for their weight issues?

Accountability. A big, very important word, accountability.

In our society of give me’s, I deserve’s, and I want’s we have lost some accountability for our actions.

America was founded on hard work. Our streets of gold were for the taking if one wanted to work hard enough.

Now, I know if we look at our history from a social perspective there are many negative social justice issues to consider, but if we look just at the concept it is very simple. If I work hard I can do anything.

In our culture I believe we have lost direction when it comes to working hard on our fitness. The International Health, Racquet, and Sportsclub Association posted a survey on American exercisers. It was very interesting to see that a whole demographic is still looking for a quick fix pill.

I meet many people who wonder why they cannot lose weight. “I try so hard”, they complain. Then we look at their actions.

They eat large portions, have long Friday night happy hours with friends, lots of soda pop and fast food choices, and no planning for meals or workouts.

They spend their money on other items, rather than a gym membership or home workout gear. Sometimes I wonder where the rational is.

As we discuss what it means to “work hard” on their health, it becomes clear they are thinking very hard about wanting to be healthy, but the way they are living their lives shows they are not choosing their health first.

For example: If I drink a 20 oz bottle of pop each day. At approximately $1.50/pop, I could afford a gym membership, more than 6 workout videos, a small set of dumbbells, 2 yoga kits, personal training, a pair of shoes, or some workout clothing. Not to mention all the free options I can string together on the internet.

Hmmm…is it any wonder more than 60% of our population is overweight? Until we begin to take responsibility for our actions our collective weight will continue to climb.

It’s about committment to yourself. What are you willing to commit to do for your health today?

Read more like this on my blog at Put Your Money and Your Energy into Your Health.

Stacy Reuille-Dupont, PhD, LAC, CPFT, CNC, licensed psychologist, addiction counselor, personal trainer and nutrition coach. She’s passionate about helping people create a vibrant life using psychology and physiology. With over 25 years coaching people to be their best, she understands how to make living healthy easy while finding adventure, inspiration, and balance. Grab a 7 Day Food Batching Meal Plan Here when you sign up for my newsletter.




Dr. Stacy is a licensed clinical psychologist, addiction counselor, certified personal trainer, & nutrition coach. Health from the inside out.