Workout Smarter. How to Understand Your Body Type.

2 min readMay 19, 2022
Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

Have an image in your head of the ideal body?

Think you need to look different than your current structure allows?

How did you come up with that idea, anyway?

What is your real body type?

Each person is different, therefore carry weight differently.

There are three different body types, and each category is going to have different properties and will carry and build muscle differently.

A Mesomorph has an athletic build — usually builds muscle quickly, an Ectomorph is someone who is thin, may have trouble putting on weight, and tends to have a small bone structure, and an Endomorph is someone who easily puts on weight, and may have trouble losing it — no you are not all endomorphs.

It is not fair to judge yourself now if you are far from your “normal” body type.

Most of us can remember where our bodies felt best, and it may not be on any ole’ chart. We can remember feeling strong, having energy, how good it felt to move.

This is our ideal.

Unfortunately, we are constantly looking at images of other people which may not reflect what is best for us.

Many people use the media’s portrayal of the human body as ideal however one must remember that media is an art form.

Images are created, modified, and altered. What we see may not be real. Things get taped up, moved over, pulled tight, air brushed, photoshopped out, and we often do not see the entire “stage” of an image — who is behind the model, how garments are held on, how are they standing, sitting, being held up, etc.

You are not a piece of art on display. You are a real human being with daily activities, responsibilities, and patterns, many not always glamorous.

Don’t let someone else tell you what the standard of beauty is for your life.

You want a body that supports your life demands and has the endurance to see you through the finish line.

You want a life you can live with joy and ease. Figure out what your body needs to be to help you reach that goal. Then set the image of your ideal body accordingly.

Read more like this on my blog at What’s Sleep Got to Do With It.

Stacy Reuille-Dupont, PhD, LAC, CPFT, CNC, licensed psychologist, addiction counselor, personal trainer and nutrition coach. She’s passionate about helping people create a vibrant life using psychology and physiology. With over 25 years coaching people to be their best, she understands how to make living healthy easy while finding adventure, inspiration, and balance. Grab a 7 Day Food Batching Meal Plan Here when you sign up for my newsletter.




Dr. Stacy is a licensed clinical psychologist, addiction counselor, certified personal trainer, & nutrition coach. Health from the inside out.